Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:25 |
PIIC Executive Director, Ellen Eisenberg, recently travelled to Ohio with IU 8 PIIC Mentor, Diane Hubona and PIIC Associate Director, Bruce Eisenberg to facilitate a two-day session on the process of instructional coaching at the University of Rio Grande.
Among the attendees of this professional development were grades 3-8 math and science coaches and district administrators from the Jackson City School District, members of the Ohio Department of Education, members of the Educational Service Centers of Ohio, and an evaluator working with the STEM grant from Ohio University.
Session topics included: the roles and responsibilities of instructional coaches; implementing the B, D, A cycle of coaching; recognizing adult learning strategies, engaging students, and how instructional coaching impacts school improvement; and integrating formative and summative assessment strategies, and data collection and analysis to assess student needs.
These instructional coaches from Ohio have been invited to future PIIC professional learning opportunities in an effort to continue the learning and allow for follow-up training. PIIC News Page