PIIC’s January Professional Development Considered “Invaluable” by Many |
Thursday, 03 February 2011 10:24 |
January 26-28, 2011, PIIC hosted another successful statewide professional development at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, PA. Over 130 mentors, coaches, district administrators, and teachers attended the event. The PD started with concurrent sessions which allowed those new to PIIC to learn about the PIIC model via the Coaching 101 session, facilitated by PIIC’s Executive Director, Ellen Eisenberg. Joe Ginotti provided an overview of the Penn Literacy Network (PLN) framework at that session. Veterans attending the event had their choice of content-based Standards Aligned System (SAS) K-12 connections to attend concurrently with Coaching 101. Each major area of study was covered including: Social Studies, facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Karen Macartney and Jessica Jacobs; English and Language Arts, facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Diane Hubona and Amy Walker; Math, facilitated by IU PIIC Mentor Nancy Neusbaum; Science, Health, and Physical Education, facilitated by IU PIIC Mentor Laura Yaeger and instructional coach Cheryl Krider; and Art, Music, World Language, Career and Tech, facilitated by PIIC Mentors Lynne Fedorcha, Tom Sebastian, and Gen Battisto. The theme of the conference, choice and voice, gave participants an opportunity to select specific topics that met their professional needs.
Starting Day 2 of the event, participants chose from four breakout sessions: Brain Research and Literacy, facilitated by IU PIIC Mentor Chris Caton, 21st Century Teaching and Learning, facilitated by Diane Hubona, Amy Walker, and instructional coach Tracy Sevin; Formative Assessment, facilitated by Jessica Jacobs and Gen Battisto; and Vocabulary Development, facilitated by Nancy Neusbaum and Laura Yaeger. These breakout sessions were repeated on Day 3 of the event offering an opportunity for participants to select two different breakout sessions, one each day. “Instructional coaching is a developing art. We are lucky to be able to be on the forefront of what, I believe, will one day be a standard and universal practice in schools. We should take advantage of that opportunity and make sure that coaching gets the best start that it can!”
Additionally, PLN Director Joe Ginotti, facilitated a general session entitled, Planning for Success- Refining the Coach’s Role in Lesson Design, where he discussed the importance of improved planning by teachers, and how this relates to PIIC’s Before, During, After (BDA) cycle of consultation and collaboration. Day 3 began with PIIC’s Carousel of Learning, where participants focused on three of five different topics to join their colleagues and network. The “table talk” style discussion allowed participants to share and learn from one another. After 30 minutes at a given topic, participants rotated to the next topic area. Selections included Gaining Access to Classrooms, Part Time Coaching, Learning Walks, Working with Administrators, and Establishing Study Groups. The wide array of sessions available was just one of many aspects participants enjoyed. Overall feedback about the PD was positive: “The many opportunities to have guided discussions with fellow coaches about various topics was invaluable!” “Having been my first PIIC conference, it provided helpful information that (in the past) I have sought out on my own. I look forward to receiving the PIIC website access, and I appreciate the efforts of PIIC to keep us informed and effective in our positions.” Our next PIIC Professional Development will be May 4-6 at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel in Camp Hill, PA. For more information, visit our Events Page or contact your IU PIIC Mentor.