PIIC Starts 2012 with "Powerful" Professional Learning |
Friday, 27 January 2012 10:45 |
By Erin Saunders, PIIC Communications Coordinator Over 120 administrators, coaches, and mentors attended the January 9-11, 2012 PIIC Professional Learning Opportunity (PLO) in The event started with a general session that reviewed the PIIC Model, facilitated by PIIC Executive Director, Ellen Eisenberg. Breakout sessions immediately followed the PIIC Model session. Participants registered online for one of the following breakout sessions: Coaching 101 (facilitated by Ellen Eisenberg); Helping Coaches use Evidence-Based Literacy Practices for Math Instruction (facilitated by IU 15 PIIC Mentor, January 9 also marked the last day of the PIIC Act 45 course. After a year of hard work, administrators who completed the course earned 73 Act 45 hours. Day 2 started with Nurturing Evidence-Based Literacy Across the Content Areas: A Coach’s Perspective, facilitated by The Penn Literacy Network (PLN) Director, Joe Ginotti. After a short break, the group reconvened for The Literacy Design Collaborative: The Coach’s Role, a general session facilitated by IU 13 Staff Development and Training Specialist, Barbara Smith and IU 13 PIIC Participants then moved into their pre-selected afternoon breakout sessions. Participants new to PIIC attended Intro to PLN, facilitated by Joe Ginotti. Veterans had their choice to attend one of the following sessions: Learning Portals: The Walls Come Tumbling Down, facilitated by Riverside Beaver HS Librarian/Instructional Coach, Laura Cipriano and Hampton Township SD Instructional Coach, Andrew Halter; Deepening the Knowledge: Application of the BDA Cycle of Coaching, facilitated by IU 22 PIIC Mentor, Carol Adams and Regional Mentor Coordinator , Tom Sebastian; and Reflective Practice in Real Time, facilitated by PIIC Associate Director, Bruce Eisenberg and Regional The final day of the PD started with preselected breakout sessions repeated from days 1 and 2 of the conference. Available sessions included Helping Coaches use Evidence-Based Literacy Practices for Math Instruction, facilitated by IU 14 PIIC Mentor Pam Wolff facilitated the last session of the event, Coaching Around the Common Core State Standards: How Coaches Support Teachers in the Process. In classic PIIC fashion, the conference concluded with the final group reflection. PIIC’s online conference evaluation was very positive: “I really enjoyed the time to talk with others, hear what works and doesn't work, and brainstorm together. Being there with my IU Mentor and other coaches from my IU was great too; we could talk about things specific to our area and learn together. Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting this together!” “I love the idea of using photographs in history and filling in bubble comments! Also, the presentation on the Common Core was very well done, and provided activities I can use with my coaches. Finally, the BDA sessions really encouraged folks to go deeper by participants generating table discussion.” “I have immediately applied several coaching strategies upon my return to the building. I'm working on becoming a better listener and offering support and affirmation to the classroom teacher. The coaching role is very different from being the classroom teacher, and I have already had success with using student data to implement instructional change with teachers. I am so glad that I was able to attend this event!” “PIIC conferences are always motivating to me! I am reminded of being reflective in my role as an instructional coach and helping classroom teachers and students be reflective about effective instructional practice as well!” The agenda from this event is available on our Past Professional Development Conferences page. You can also find photos from this event in our PIIC Photo Gallery. Our next PIIC Professional Development will be May 2-4, 2012 at the |