Sure, coaches work with colleagues in confidential, non-evaluative ways. But, what does that really mean? How do I approach teachers with whom I have not worked previously and automatically expect them to welcome me with open arms, especially if I haven’t taken time to share any thinking about instructional coaching and how coaches support teaching and learning?
As the new year begins, memories of the summer fade away and are replaced with thoughts about common core, educator effectiveness, keystone exams, differentiated instruction, and a host of other initiatives that give teachers, students, parents, school administrators, coaches and mentors lots to think about but little time to do anything but think about it. We know that the rationale behind sharing yet another one or two new endeavors for the school year is to promote the overall success of students and to triangulate the data among student achievement, teacher performance and the school/district “standings.” Yet, having a standardized plan delineating what to do about successfully implementing those undertakings still elude many of us.
Well, here it is... June! Many of our instructional coaches from around the state are focusing on tying up loose ends for the year and thinking about how to begin in September. As you reflect on your practice, think about the questions you need to ask yourself as you plan for school opening... Should I assemble teachers into cohort groups to coach so everyone can practice the B, D, A cycle of coaching? How should I recruit teachers to work with me? How can I hit the ground running and build partnerships with staff members who may be very comfortable doing what they have always done in class? How do I remove the stigma of working with teachers where coaching is mandated and not developed through a collaborative process? How do I support teachers in a part-time position? These are all process questions: how do I engage teachers, support their diverse needs, and provide ongoing professional learning that is tied to CCSS, teacher practice, research, and student outcomes? In planning how to start, however, don't forget the essential questions that influence your actions: 1) What am I doing as a coach to help teachers change and improve their practice; and 2) What am I doing as a coach to help teachers improve student engagement and outcomes?
From April 22-24, 2013, PIIC hosted the third statewide professional learning opportunity of the school year. Several instructional coaches, mentors, administrators and other school leaders shared the learning and collaborated in ways that provided multiple opportunities to network, offered numerous chances to connect with colleagues in professional conversations, and engaged in a multitude of ways to receive personalized feedback and talk about issues of common interest. Throughout the entire conference, one theme kept emerging... coaches were meeting and working with a variety of teachers, all of whom wanted to practice their craft better and help students improve their skills.
Ah, April showers bring May flowers... and with the spring-like atmosphere, many students are ready for school to end and their summer vacations to begin. Right along with them are their teachers who need to bring the focus back on content as they begin the testing cycle in schools.