May 2017 PLO Deemed “Best for the Year” by Participants |
Instructional coaches, district administrators, other school leaders, PIIC Mentors, and Regional Mentor Coordinators (RMC) from around the state came to the Penn Stater Conference Center for PIIC’s latest Professional Learning Opportunity (PLO) that took place May 1-3, 2017. The event kicked off on May 1st at noon with PIIC Executive Director, Ellen Eisenberg, welcoming the attendees. After the guests were welcomed, participants attended one of six pre-selected breakout sessions: · Using Protocols to Support Teacher-Coach Collaboration facilitated by North Hills SD Instructional Coaches Jennifer Schrecengost and Heather Herger; · We Write in Math…Really? facilitated by Austin SD Instructional Coach Cara Bates and IU PIIC Mentor Teri Everett; · Coaching in the Culture of TDA facilitated by Manheim Township SD Instructional Coaches Nicole Rieker and Jackie Druck and IU PIIC Mentor Terri Lewis; · The 3 E’s of Using Technology in PIIC’s 4 Quadrants: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Enrichment facilitated by IU PIIC Mentor Demetrius Roberts and RMC Virginia Glatzer. · Creating Sustainable Change through Collaborative Lesson Planning facilitated by Montoursville SD Instructional Coach Penny Johnson, Jessica Jacobs, IU 18, and IU PIIC Mentor Deb Goff; · What to do when the School Board Asks, “So what do you do?” facilitated by Freedom Area SD Instructional Coach Ron Kelm, West Branch School District Instructional Coach Greg Hubler, Glendale Area SD Instructional Coach Renee McQuown, and IU PIIC Mentors Amy Walker, Lori Ceremuga, and Diane Hubona. After a short break, participants attended Observable Evidence of Student Literacy Learning, a general session facilitated by Joe Ginotti, Director of the Penn Literacy Network (PLN). Between the reception and dinner, the guest speaker was Amy Morton, Statewide Coordinator, National Institute of School Leadership. Day 2 started with participants attending one of six pre-selected breakout sessions: · Instructional Learning Visits: Before, During and After facilitated by Altoona SD Instructional Coaches Mike Baker and Kelli Livermore, Exeter Township Instructional Coach Karen DeNunzio, PIIC Associate Director Bruce Eisenberg, and educational consultant Skip McCann; · A Thousand Words…Coaching the Use of Non-Traditional Text facilitated by Purchase Line SD Instructional Coach Eric Thomas, Indiana Area SD Instructional Coach Lisa Freidhoff, IU PIIC Mentors Jeremy Gabborin and Cindy Shaffer; · Integrating Appreciative Inquiry into the BDA Cycle facilitated by Quakertown Community SD Instructional Coach Todd Silvius, Bristol Township SD Instructional Coach Bernadette Barone, and IU PIIC Mentors Carol Adams and Jamie Pitcavage; · Coaching an Approach to TDA facilitated by Chestnut Ridge SD Instructional Coach David Freidenbloom and Claysburg Kimmel SD Instructional Coach Emily Carper; · The Power of Conversation: How Our Words Transform Our Practice facilitated by N Penn SD Instructional Coach Meg Burke and IU PIIC Mentor Amber Molloy; · Coaching for More than Achievement…Growth for ALL! Facilitated by West Shore SD Instructional Coach Sara Lobaugh, Tanya Morret, CAIU, and educational consultant Kathleen Eich. After a break, next on the agenda were the concurrent sessions: The Coach’s Role in Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Observable Data facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Heather Moschetta, Amy Walker, Terri Lewis, Gail Porrazzo, and educational consultant Kathleen Eich. This session was a follow up to the previous day’s general session, Observable Evidence of Student Literacy Learning. Participants then attended their third pre-selected breakout session: · Listen, STOP, and Reflect: You the Coach in Action facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Teri Everett and Heather Moschetta; · Demystifying DRC: The Coach’s Role in Helping Teachers Score Text-Dependent Analysis facilitated by Manheim Central MS Instructional Coach Matt Baker and IU PIIC Mentor Terri Lewis; · Art(icle) of the Deal: Using Article Studies to Grow Professional Learning facilitated by Altoona SD Instructional Coaches Mike Baker and Kelli Livermore and Penn Cambria SD Instructional Coach Mandie Manning. · Building Coaching Relationships: Initiating the BDA Cycle facilitated by Laurel Area SD Instructional Coach Michelle Mrozek, and IU PIIC Mentors Amy Walker and Donette Porter and RMC Charley Territo; · Evolution of the Coaching Caravan facilitated by Westbranch SD Instructional Coach Stacy Ricciotti and Philipsburg-Osceola SD Instructional Coaches Linda Hockey and Susan Harris; · Coaching to Ensure High Cognition and Active Participation facilitated by IU PIIC Mentors Missy Petrilak, Sondra Humenansky, and Deb Goff. After a short break, the day ended with IU team time (an opportunity for IU groups to reflect together on their new learnings) and mentor reflection (an opportunity to process information and plan for future use). May 3rd events included announcements made by Ellen Eisenberg and Ivan Charner, Director, National Institute for Work and Learning, and the HedBanz game session with coaching questions generating the conversation. After a short break, the day continued with Ivan Charner introducing the Afterthoughts sessions. Topics discussed during the Afterthoughts session were developed by participants and were intended to continue conversations from the sessions that took place during the first two days of the PLO. Participants then ended their day with independent reflections, IU team time, and more mentor reflections. Feedback from the PLO was positive: “The Breakout sessions this year were relevant and engaging. Every coach that attended in my IU said this was the best PLO for the year. Each of the breakout sessions provided excellent resources/take-aways and opportunity to learn from others.” – Instructional Coach “It always amazes me to hear the great work that coaches are doing across the state. PLOs like these provide opportunities for professional development and also validation for the work that is being done.” – Instructional Coach “It is the perfect venue for learning, collaboration and planning alignment! Support on so many levels, highest quality of PD and the best resources in the state-people who know and honor education as both a science and art.” – Instructional Coach You can read more feedback from this PLO on the Testimonials page. The PLO agenda is available on our Past Professional Learning Opportunities page. You can also find photos from the event in the PIIC Photo Gallery. Our next PIIC Professional Development will be October 30th to November 1st at the Penn Stater Conference Center. For more information, visit our Events Page or contact your IU PIIC Mentor. |